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FotoMagico Preferences

This is where you apply settings that affect the application's behavior globally. To open the preferences pane, select Preferences… from the FotoMagico menu or press ,. Preferences are grouped into five different areas, each of which is represented by a tab in the preferences window:




The When inserting images section determines which default animation is applied to images that are added to a slideshow.

The When adding audio section determines if newly added audio is initially linked to slides. The audio can either stay where it is, or it can move along with the slides above it as you rearrange slides. This behavior can be decided for each audio item and can be changed in the Audio Options Inspector later.

The External editors section lets you choose application that are launched, when you double click a media file in the Images, Movies, or Audio browsers in the sidebar.


The When previewing setting determines what happens when you press the spacebar key.


By checking Automatically Send Data you allow Boinx Software to gather diagnostic and usage data that helps to improve our software and services.

Software Update

Determines whether and how often FotoMagico will look for updates. In addition to that, you always click the Check Now button to find out whether a new version is available. You can also decide to send us information about your system configuration, which allows us to improve support for future releases.