{{page>:fotomagico}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Slideshow Settings ====== Select
from the menu to open the Settings sheet. It is divided into four seperate panes: Stage, Info, Options, and Advanced. ===== Stage ===== This pane contains the visual settings for a slideshow. {{ en:settings-stage.png }} ==== Stage Size ==== The stage Size determines the aspect ratio of your slideshow (16:9, 3:2, 4:3 or custom). For best results, choose a stage size that matches the resolution of your intended display device, like a Cinema Display or a Full HD projector. If your slideshow is likely to be presented on a variety of different displays, then select the largest display you are targeting. 4K has the highest resolution and has a 16:9 aspect ratio. If you select "Custom" from the popup menu, you can enter any size you want.